The flame of international conflict rises from egotistic minds, but is fed through a steady supply of arms. Today, when international trade is in trouble, we need to find those who want to perpetuate the battles
A recent Calcutta High Court order shows how personal liberties must be allowed to convicts as well. Calculating backwards, one can assume that the huge number of undertrials in Indian jails deserve their liberties too
Indian Parliament has set a dubious record in suspending 146 Opposition MPs from its Winter Session. That means the voices of crores of voters and even more citizens have been deprived the ear of the top decision-making body of the country
A delegation of Sri Lankan Tamils, now visiting India, trying to drum up support, say they are being persecuted in their country, and that their religion is being held against them by the government. Here are some legal excerpts from an interview with APN channel
Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud has recently said that the State must ensure that judicial officers upon retirement must live a life of dignity. This is a case for all government officials
While even political campaign rallies are generally categorised within the right to protest sphere, what relief does a common, apolitical citizen have when the rally’s side-effects infringe upon his human rights?