The Delhi Police on Wednesday filed its reply in the petition moved by former Aam Aadmi Party Councillor Tahir Hussain, challenging the UAPA charges invoked against him in connection with the Delhi Riots larger conspiracy case in the Delhi High Court.
The Delhi riots 2020 are a gaping wound in the conscience of a nation aspiring to be a major global power. The allegations against the applicant are extremely grave in nature, said ASJ Vinod Yadav, while dismissing the bail application filed by former AAP Councillor Tahir Hussain.
The bench has further noted that there was no CCTV footage or electronic evidence on record to establish that the petitioner was present at the spot at the time of alleged incident.
In its Chargesheet, the Delhi Police named Umar Khalid, Sharjeel Imam, Faizan Khan, Danish, Parvez, Ilyas, Khalid Saifi, Ishrat Jahan, Tahir Hussain, Meeran Haider, Pinjda Tod activists Gulfisha Fatima, Safoora Zargar, Natasha Narwal and Devangana Kalita, as accused of 'criminal conspiracy'.