In a historic ruling, the Karnataka High Court has directed the Registrar of Births and Deaths to update the name and gender identity on birth certificates of transgender individuals, paving the way for full recognition of their rights under the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019
A transgender couple has pleaded before the Kerala High Court that their child’s birth certificate should refer to them as “parents” and not as “father” and “mother”. Will the Court oblige?
The group that appealed to court had complained of threats from the other group. A complaint in this regard has been lodged with the Topsia police station.
The Centre contended that NCC is not a regular education institution, but an institution that was founded with the primary aim of grooming cadets for a future with the armed forces.
This conspiracy was the subject matter of an FIR dated 05.09.2020 which names Sri Dammalapati Srinivas, formerly Additional Advocate General and Advocate General, and other accused including two daughters of the sitting Supreme court Judge.
India is waking up to transgenders and their rights with various states absorbing them in the police and other jobs. But until societal mindsets change, their total integration will be slow.
Supreme court's tough stand in a sexual harassment case against Madhya Pradesh judge, said, cannot say sexual harassment cases are suppressed, no intervention in disciplinary proceedings.