A Delhi Court today has dismissed the bail plea of Jamia Millia Islamia student and Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) youth wing leader Meeran Haider who was arrested on April 1, 2020 in Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) case related to the Delhi Riots of 2020
The Supreme Court has refused the petition of a 68-year-old retired Govt engineer Mohammed Kaleem Ahmed, who was arrested among 17 other leaders and activists of the Social Democratic Party of India and Popular Front of India by the National Investigation Agency, in connection with the Bengaluru Riots.
In this case, On behalf of the prosecution, the Allahabad High Court had demanded the death penalty for all the culprits. At the same time, the defense had appealed at least the punishment in the court.
An advocate has filed a complaint with the Delhi Police Commissioner against Samajwadi Party MP Shafiqurrahman Barq for his controversial statement regarding the construction of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya.
The system can lament, apportion blame, but it never interfered, never once tried to understand why a man would want to live among tribals and work for them, ignoring calls to comfort. Death was virtually delivered to Stan Swamy’s cell by the system.
The Supreme Court has today set aside the order of the Kerala High Court and granted bail to Kerala youth Thwaha Fasal, who had been booked under UAPA for alleged Maoist links. In another connected matter, the Supreme Court has dismissed an appeal by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) against bail granted to co-accused Allan Shuaib, a co-accused and law student in this case.