Social media major Meta recently met Delhi Police officials over cyber crime and information requests on users. As elections edge closer, social media is where the battle will be repeated for the third time
At the last moment, the Narendra Modi government drops the Bill to modify service conditions of Chief Election Commissioners and Election Commissioners in the face of protests. Here’s how it can impact democracy in India
In what could perhaps be seen as a skewed response to maternal upbraiding, courts in India have been okaying medical termination of pregnancies beyond the previous lakshman rekha of 20-24 weeks. Recently, a 27-week-old foetus was cleared for abortion. Court-sanctioned abortions in India have gone beyond the doors of matrimony
The move by Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh to bar people accused of crimes against women from government jobs seems a populist one. Will it curb such crimes and does it not violate the right to a fair trial?
The confiscation of assets and bulldozing properties of those involved in crime is a common tactic in UP and MP. But will such harsh and swift punishment reduce the crime rate?
A Delhi hospital has been ordered by the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission to pay Rs 1.3 crore compensation to a couple for a botched-up in-vitro fertilisation procedure.
The new liquor policy allows large, international companies to sell ready-to-drink alcoholic beverages, beer and wine to their employees at their workplaces subject to terms. It may sound hip and cool, but alcohol abuse is a familiar Indian story.
One visible result of the economic liberalisation of 1991 was the opening of malls which have become a runaway hit across the country. Now the courts have offered their definition of a mall and the activities permitted, apart from just shopping, with the help of dictionaries.