The Supreme Court on Monday directed the Central government to seek response from the Health Secretaries of Rajasthan, Bihar and Chhattisgarh within four weeks regarding the women healthcare crisis in these states
There is a contention that if women of India are allowed into the labour force as equal partners, India may reach the levels of China and Vietnam on the manufacturing scale. However, age-old religious restrictions may not allow this to ever happen in India.
The contribution of women in drafting of the Constitution has been immense and this was the reason why used the expression "founding fathers and mothers of the Constitution," while delivering the verdict in the Govt of NCT of Delhi vs Union of India case in 2018
The Kerala High Court asked the state government to ensure women get the same freedom as men and not to “lock” them up in hostels. Such curbs are often pegged to concerns over their safety.
A series of shocking judgments are proof that India still has a long way to go before it can be recognised as a gender sensitive State, or judiciary for that matter. Indian courts continue to use language and reasons in their orders that diminish the offence and trivialise the victim’s experience