Monday, March 10, 2025


Opinion on News

Ruminations of a Coca-head

Looking back at Coke’s infamous marketing debacle, one can realize why Trump took his TV show performance further, with his birther attack on Obama ~By Kenneth TivenWhen Coca Cola launched a brand ...

“Allow Citizens to Express Opinions”

Article 19 (1) grants freedom of speech and expression. This right must be defended even if the majority does not like it. ~By Justice Narendra ChapalgaonkarRecently, there has been an unusual spu...

Fear of freedom

The first constitutional amendment in 1951 placed restrictions on freedom of speech but India as a mature democracy should be able to face up to the difficult challenges of free speech. ~By Parsa V...

Let the Light in

The idea of open courts, where access to proceedings is in the public domain, is inclusive to true and fair trials   ~Justice K Sreedhar Rao   Transparency in the conduct of ...

The Curious Case of Justice Karnan

Already embroiled in a series of controversies, Justice Karnan’s open defiance of the Supreme Court raises serious questions   ~Justice Sreedhar Rao   The judiciary in India ...

Will jallikattu set a social precedent?

Many larger issues emerge from the bull-taming bill in Tamil Nadu ~By Meha Mathur While the state of Tamil Nadu has circumvented the Supreme Court ordered ban on the traditional bull sport of jallik...

The “Cultural Tightness” of America

Donald Trump was voted as US President as many voters thought that their country was under the greatest threat and they wanted an authoritarian power that could tackle it By Kenneth Tiven Vilma...

Purge Surya Namaskar of politics

Let all “egos” and “misconceptions” surrounding religions not come in the way of good health  By Harshal N Mirashi I was relentlessly following the writ petitions filed against the decision of B...

The Speaker is Responsible

Lawmakers disrupting the winter session of Parliament on account of demonetisation pose an important question: Should MPs’ conduct on the parliament be immune from criminal prosecution?   ...

To shoot or not to shoot

The legal framework for encounter killings in the context of the October 31 Bhopal jail-break and the killings of the accused that followed   Justice K Sreedhar RaoThe print and visual ...

News Update