Monday, March 10, 2025


Opinion on News

The Jail Jam

With jailbreaks in the news, sloppy security in prisons is in focus, but there’s a bigger related problem: overcrowding of jails. The judiciary has taken up the issue but can it have any impact?  By...

Center has Power to Demonetize: Justice Narendra Chapalgaonker

Long, unending queues at banks and post offices for the exchange of old Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes have overshadowed the merits of demonetization which Prime Minister Narendra Modi effected on Novemb...

Quran is Fair to Women

Prophet Muhammad laid great emphasis on the protection of women. But as Quranic commentaries became the domain of men, they weakened the position of the fairer sex   By Murad Ali Baig ...

Firoz Bakht Ahmed: Down with the Personal Law Board

Most Muslims agree that they do not require bodies such as All India Muslim Personal Law Board but would want ones that address and find solutions to their educational, economic and social backwardnes...

Section 124A—Scrap it or Tame it

The NGO Common Cause had filed a plea in the Supreme Court seeking amendments in Section 124A of IPC. The apex court dismissed the plea on the ground that the laws laid down in Kedarnath Singh vs Stat...

Basket of Woes

Despite laws banning manual scavenging, it continues with impunity. It is time society gave these workers a leg-up so that they live a life of dignity and courage  By Deepti Jain Manual scaveng...

Why Partition Shouldn’t be Forgotten

A moving account of how two women, one, the wife of Maulana Azad’s nephew, Nooruddin Ahmed, and the other, her sister, preferred India to Pakistan after Partition despite lucrative offers from the oth...

Arms and the Middlemen

Josy Joseph describes the world of defense dealers and how major deals are struck in his book, A Feast of Vultures In modern India, national interests are served by men and women who operate below ...

“Judges Should Take Breaks”: Justice K Chandru

In a surprisingly frank article, this former judge says the backlog of cases can be tackled not just by increasing the number of judges but having efficient ones who don’t take too many holidays ...

Oral observations have no sanctity in law: Devadatt Kamat

The opinion of the judiciary should be reflected only through judgments and orders and not through oral observations, be it on Kashmir or any other contentious issue, so that the purity of the judicia...

News Update