The Bombay High Court on Wednesday has issued a circular in which it exempted the Advocates appearing before the High Court of Bombay and its Benches and the High Court of Bombay at Goa from wearing black coat and Advocates’ gowns.
It also mentioned that the advocates may wear tie or white band ensuring proper decorum before the Virtual Courts, till further orders.
The Chief Justice of Bombay High Court, Mr Dipankar Datta has been pleased to exempt the lawyers from wearing black coat and gown.
Earlier, the Bombay High Court Appellate side had exempted all Judges in subordinate Court in Maharashtra, Goa, UTs of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu from wearing black coat and gown, Subordinate courts judges and lawyers exempted to wear black coat/gown.
Prior to that the Bar Council of India had issued an administrative order which says that no coats or gowns/robes are/is required to be worn by Advocates appearing before all Courts, Tribunals, Commissions and all other forums amid COVID 19 Pandemic.
Read the circular here;

-India Legal Bureau