Friday, December 13, 2024


Municipal Corporation

Bombay High Court dismiss...

The Bombay High Court di...

That Choking Feeling̷...

The Bombay High Court has ordered measures to tackle the growing pollution in Maximum City. Despite various action plans and guidelines, there is poor implementation, leading to bad air quality

Uttarakhand High Court is...

The Uttarakhand High Cou...

Punjab and Haryana High C...

The Punjab and Haryana H...

Bombay High Court dismiss...

The Bombay High Court di...

Rajasthan High Court dism...

The Rajasthan High Court...

Bombay High Court dismiss...

The petition is filed in Bombay High Court alleging five bidders had participated in the tender process. Two were disqualified at the stage of the technical bid and the three bidders, who were qualified, in fact did not possess the necessary qualification as required under the tender notice.

Allahabad High Court exte...

The Lucknow bench of the...

Punjab and Haryana High C...

The Punjab and Haryana H...

Bombay High Court questio...

The Bombay High Court to...

News Update

Supreme Court Collegium r...

NGT orders MCD to pay Rs ...

Supreme Court pulls up Ce...

Supreme Court directs tri...

Patna High Court dismisse...

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